Travel clinic
Advice and travel vaccination
Blood pressure
Blood pressure checks
Cervical cytology/Smear Test
A cervical screening test (previously known as a smear test) is a method of detecting abnormal cells on the cervix. The cervix is the entrance to the womb from the vagina.
Detecting and removing abnormal cervical cells can prevent cervical cancer.
Elderly patients
If you find it difficult to get to the surgery please inform the receptionist
Specialist diabetic clinic
Insulin initiation
Diabetic dietician clinic
Maternity care
Child health clinic
You will be offered regular health and development reviews (health visitor checks) for your baby until they are two. These are to support you and your baby, and make sure their development is on track.
The reviews are usually done by your health visitor or a member of their team at the GP surgery.
Health promotion
Child immunisation
We have an in-house phlebotomist who works everyday from 8:30am to 11:00am.
Contraceptive check
Whatever questions you have about getting and using contraception, please book an appointment to see the Practice Nurse.
Heart failure clinic
Heart failure doesn’t mean your heart has stopped working – it just needs some support to help it work better. It can occur at any age, but is most common in older people.
Heart failure is a long-term condition that tends to get gradually worse over time. It can’t usually be cured, but the symptoms can often be controlled for many years (
Smoking advice
Social prescribing clinic
Family support coordinator
Alcohol advice